Saturday, December 24, 2005

Farewell, the Brave

In Memoriam To Sylvester Ang. It is exactly one year ago, today, that you left, and your life passed on like grey ships on the far horizon to the great beyond. It's another adventure and surely, you will be joined by more worthy companions. Many memories of our sitting and chatting linger on fresh, and though at that time, what matter we discuss might have been trivial, today is recalled with freshness and ardour. In sport you have inspired and often encouraged me; and in your work and friendship, afforded me only the best of yourself. Unfortunately, time and space separates our friendship now. But the part of yourself, which remains true, in great humour, and simplicity, and honesty, is luminously alive in the humble urn of my memory. How often now you accompany me in spirit as I go my way, you know! That is cherished and treasured. May your spirit and memory endure. In peace, and love. d. 24 December 2004

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