Sunday, March 07, 2010

A politically insensitive follow-up: my old new favourite: Perry Ellis America

I understand if you think I am politically insensitive.
But it just so happened that I chanced on this classic fragrance and got a bottle of it and just love it.
It is so easily to gravitate to those engineered fragrances with an overpowering sweetness and strong top notes, like Armani Code. There are great fragrances, for sure, like Hermes Terra and so forth. I did not say I don't use or don't like them.
But I have always like the crispness of Perry Ellis, and when I think of the late designer's clothing line, I think of my days visiting LA, San Francisco and Hawaii. Almost a naval crispness to the colours and cool fabrics. And that typical Perry Ellis sauve look so easy on the eye.
But America turned up to be wonderful on the skin for all day use, and great after the gym, too, for the tropics.
So, although it's no new discovery, it gets my vote, having got my attention - pure olfactory sensation.

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